Thursday, January 12, 2012

Student Book Reviews

We are beginning to launch a book review-writing effort in the library.  The purpose of the reviews will be for children to be able to recommend books to each other.  Today professional book reviewer (and TNS parent) Marjorie Ingall spoke to 1st and 2nd graders about what makes a good book review.  These are some of her tips:

  • It's ok to not like a book, but you have to say why.  Always give a book a chance.  Read two pages before you decide.
  • Look at the title of the book.  What does it tell you about the book?
  • Tell whether it is a fiction or nonfiction book.
  • If it is a picture book, do I like the pictures?
  • Does the author have a message or lesson?
  • Who would like this book?

Every book review should mention:

PLOT (or what the book is about)
CHARACTERS (for fiction)  Who are the characters?  Who is your favorite?  Why?
STYLE: Is it fantasy, funny, graphic novel, etc.
FEELINGS:  How did it make you feel?


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