Monday, October 20, 2014

Global Read Aloud 2014

The Global Read Aloud is a global literacy initiative for kids from kindergarten through grade 12.  Children from all over the map are connecting, through technology, to communicate about books that have been pre-selected.

Meg & Olivia's 1/2 Class and Sierra's 3/4/5's kicked off the GRA with International Dot Day.  They read Peter Reynolds' The Dot, and created projects with their own dots.  These projects are captured in movies here, which we shared with other classes in other parts of the country.  Have a look!

Olivia & Meg's class is continuing reading Peter Reynolds' books and sharing ideas with a class from the Shipley School in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. 

Sofia's 4/5 class has been reading Jennifer Holm's The Fourteenth Goldfish.
And if you have a student in Sofia's class, ask him/her about the book.
There are 891 classes around the world registered in The Fourteenth Goldfish book group! We have a discussion board on the Edmodo website. You can see a trailer for the book (below):

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


After reading Jackie Woodson's Each Kindness, with second and third graders, we came up with ways that we can be kind in the library.

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