Friday, May 27, 2011

Making Comics in the Library

During "All School Work Time," students of varying ages came to the library to make comics.  They used a free, online comics program called Make Beliefs Comics.  Here are a couple comics they produced in 40 minutes' time:

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Author Visit: George O'Connor!

Our kids are crazed with Greek mythology as well as with graphic novels.  Put them together and what do you get?  George O'Connor's Olympians series!  We were so lucky to have a visit from George in our library with fourth graders who are in the middle of a graphic novel reading and writing unit.  We await the release of Hera this summer!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Edible Crafts!


Following the book, Candy Construction--part of our cookbook collection--we made edible helicopters in the Library!  ("Crafts with the Librarian" was a silent auction item at the Neighborhood School Annual Holiday Fair).  

1/2 Grade Animal Research

Did you know...?

This slide show of "fun facts" is based on the animal research students did from library books and the PebbleGo database.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Gail Gibbons Author Study

We have 38 books by author/illustrator Gail Gibbons in our library.  We learned what it means to have a distinct style.  We watched a video interview of Gail Gibbons and found out that she remembers being a curious kid and always asking questions.  Asking good questions is part of being a good scientist and researcher.

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