Monday, October 14, 2013

100 Great Picture Books/100 Years

I love book lists.  And now, The New York Public Library has just published a list of "100 Best Picture Books," on occasion of their current exhibition The ABC of It: Why Children’s Books Matter, "an examination of why children’s books are important: what and how they teach children, and what they reveal about the societies that produced them."  The exhibition is really geared for adults interested in the history of children's literature; however there are some fun hands-on displays and lively spaces--like the recreation of Margaret Wise Brown's Goodnight Moon's great green room, that will occupy kids while their grown-ups examine the contents of the display cases.  

You can browse the list here

published 1928
Most of these books are in our school library's collection, and they circulate regularly, proving that these "classics" on our shelves withstand the test of time--and children!  
published 1938
published 1962
published 1972

Thursday, October 3, 2013

BookPALS Group Read!

Last week, we inaugurated a visiting readers program in collaboration with BookPALS (Performing Artists for Literacy in Schools).  Professional performers volunteer as readers in elementary school classrooms. BookPALS is a national program administered by the Screen Actors Guild  (SAG) Foundation.  To learn more, go to their website.  

Another literacy program offered by the SAG Foundation is the website StoryLine OnLine. There you can hear (and watch) great picture books, including Betty White reading the classic picture book Harry the Dirty Dog and Satoshi Kitamura's Me and My Cat? read by Elijah Wood.  

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