Saturday, December 14, 2013

Author Visit: Sheila Keenan

On Thursday we welcomed author Sheila Keenan to our library to talk to 4th and 5th graders about her new book, Dogs of War.  Illustrated by Nathan Fox,  Dogs of War is historical fiction, in graphic novel format, about the canine rescue heroes of World Wars I, II, and the Vietnam War.  It's a collection of fictional stories inspired by the real military dogs who served as messengers, scouts, and rescuers.  Sheila talked about the seed for the story (a photo she found in her neighbor's garbage, of a soldier in the trenches with his German shepherd), and the process of collaborating with the artist, and the multiple revisions (she has worked as editor of several well-known graphic novels, including the Amulet, Explorer,  and Hereville series).  Her recommendation to aspiring graphic novelists:  self-publish and sell your books cheap or even give them away.  Have a friend read your writing to get feedback.  And, to writers in general: the secret is to just write!  Each child got to take home a copy of the book, signed by the author.
Sheila Keenan is a cat owner,
but after her research for the book
she would like to own a dog.

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